Start date: 18/02/2025 08:00 AM End date: 19/02/2025 02:00 PM
COVAL for Dangerous Goods Training Instructor is the GCAA integrated approach “as integral part of its dangerous goods oversight responsibilities” to validate the competency of Dangerous Goods Training Instructor, to ensure they are competent in the function(s) they will perform prior to performing such function(s), due to the impactful role they play in maintaining the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. Therefore and in accordance with the Civil Aviation Regulations CAR Part VI, the objective of this course is for the Dangerous Goods Training Instructor (DGTI) delivering dangerous goods training in the UAE, to ensure compliance with the said regulatory requirement by constantly maintaining the validity of their COVAL certificate through successful completion of COVAL Recurrent certification course within 24 months from the month on which they successfully completed their COVAL Initial for DGTI
Start date: 25/02/2025 08:00 AM End date: 27/02/2025 02:00 PM
COVAL for Dangerous Goods Post Holder (DGPH) is the GCAA integrated approach “as integral part of its dangerous goods oversight responsibilities” to validate the competency of Dangerous Goods Post Holder, to ensure they are competent in the function(s) they will perform prior to performing such function(s), due to the impactful role they play in maintaining the safe transport of dangerous goods by air.
Start date: 26/02/2025 08:00 AM End date: 26/02/2025 02:00 PM
This course is specifically developed to comply with CAR PSMP and it is a course approved by Aeromedical section to educate the aviation workers on the practical aspect of Alcohol & Drug program in highly regulated industry , it gives a depth insight into the impact and the significance of alcohol and drug abuse in the aviation workplace and its effects on safety and performance in that environment ,focus on methods of identification of acute intoxication and or chronic abuse problems .It also Educate the supervisor on handling difficult cases and how to manage crisis at workplace.
Start date: 10/03/2025 08:00 AM End date: 11/03/2025 02:00 PM
The course will provide aviation organizations and non-aviation organizations involved in family assistance operations with the knowledge necessary to develop an effective family assistance plan and with the skills necessary to effectively support aircraft accident victims and their families. The training will be in line with the ICAO Policy on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families (Doc 9998) and the ICAO Manual on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families (Doc 9973).
Start date: 12/03/2025 08:00 AM End date: 12/03/2025 02:00 PM
This course aims at providing participants with a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of Safety Management and Safety Management System Frameworks.
Start date: 24/03/2025 08:00 AM End date: 25/03/2025 02:00 PM
The ever present risk of events challenging security measures across civil aviation, dictate the need for all personnel working in the aviation industry to be trained in general security awareness. The underlying fundamental of this course is to understand the regulations, concepts and recommended practices that exist in the conduct of aviation security across the industry and provide you with the skills and knowledge for maintaining high security standards. It’s a UAE National Civil Aviation Security Training Program requirement for anyone who requires an airport permit granting unescorted access to the Security Restricted Area (SRA) of the airport
Start date: 08/04/2025 08:00 AM End date: 09/04/2025 02:00 PM
COVAL for Dangerous Goods Training Instructor is the GCAA integrated approach “as integral part of its dangerous goods oversight responsibilities” to validate the competency of Dangerous Goods Training Instructor, to ensure they are competent in the function(s) they will perform prior to performing such function(s), due to the impactful role they play in maintaining the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. Therefore and in accordance with the Civil Aviation Regulations CAR Part VI, the objective of this course is for the Dangerous Goods Training Instructor (DGTI) delivering dangerous goods training in the UAE, to ensure compliance with the said regulatory requirement by constantly maintaining the validity of their COVAL certificate through successful completion of COVAL Recurrent certification course within 24 months from the month on which they successfully completed their COVAL Initial for DGTI
Start date: 29/04/2025 08:00 AM End date: 30/04/2025 02:00 PM
COVAL for Dangerous Goods Training Instructor is the GCAA integrated approach “as integral part of its dangerous goods oversight responsibilities” to validate the competency of Dangerous Goods Training Instructor, to ensure they are competent in the function(s) they will perform prior to performing such function(s), due to the impactful role they play in maintaining the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. Therefore and in accordance with the Civil Aviation Regulations CAR Part VI, the objective of this course is for the Dangerous Goods Training Instructor (DGTI) delivering dangerous goods training in the UAE, to ensure compliance with the said regulatory requirement by constantly maintaining the validity of their COVAL certificate through successful completion of COVAL Recurrent certification course within 24 months from the month on which they successfully completed their COVAL Initial for DGTI
Start date: 20/05/2025 08:00 AM End date: 21/05/2025 02:00 PM
COVAL for Dangerous Goods Training Instructor is the GCAA integrated approach “as integral part of its dangerous goods oversight responsibilities” to validate the competency of Dangerous Goods Training Instructor, to ensure they are competent in the function(s) they will perform prior to performing such function(s), due to the impactful role they play in maintaining the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. Therefore and in accordance with the Civil Aviation Regulations CAR Part VI, the objective of this course is for the Dangerous Goods Training Instructor (DGTI) delivering dangerous goods training in the UAE, to ensure compliance with the said regulatory requirement by constantly maintaining the validity of their COVAL certificate through successful completion of COVAL Recurrent certification course within 24 months from the month on which they successfully completed their COVAL Initial for DGTI
Start date: 27/05/2025 08:00 AM End date: 29/05/2025 02:00 PM
COVAL is the GCAA integrated approach “as integral part of its dangerous goods oversight responsibilities” to validate the competency of Dangerous Goods Training Instructor and Dangerous Goods Post Holder, to ensure they are competent in the function(s) they will perform prior to performing such function(s), due to the impactful role they play in maintaining the safe transport of dangerous goods by air.
Start date: 17/06/2025 08:00 AM End date: 18/06/2025 02:00 PM
COVAL for Dangerous Goods Training Instructor is the GCAA integrated approach “as integral part of its dangerous goods oversight responsibilities” to validate the competency of Dangerous Goods Training Instructor, to ensure they are competent in the function(s) they will perform prior to performing such function(s), due to the impactful role they play in maintaining the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. Therefore and in accordance with the Civil Aviation Regulations CAR Part VI, the objective of this course is for the Dangerous Goods Training Instructor (DGTI) delivering dangerous goods training in the UAE, to ensure compliance with the said regulatory requirement by constantly maintaining the validity of their COVAL certificate through successful completion of COVAL Recurrent certification course within 24 months from the month on which they successfully completed their COVAL Initial for DGTI
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