Price : 2,100.00 AED + 5% VAT
Duration: 2 Days
Start date: 24/03/2025
End date: 25/03/2025
Category: Virtual Trainings
The ever present risk of events challenging security measures across civil aviation, dictate the need for all personnel working in the aviation industry to be trained in general security awareness. The underlying fundamental of this course is to understand the regulations, concepts and recommended practices that exist in the conduct of aviation security across the industry and provide you with the skills and knowledge for maintaining high security standards. It’s a UAE National Civil Aviation Security Training Program requirement for anyone who requires an airport permit granting unescorted access to the Security Restricted Area (SRA) of the airport
All individuals interested in advancing their studies in other specialized aviation security topics
All personnel working across the air transport industry including- customer service agents, technical & engineering staff, air-traffic service provider staff, cargo staff, airport lounge agents, ground dispatchers, load control officers, ramp agents, ramp supervisors, flight operations staff, airport operations staff, baggage agents, passenger services agents, cargo agents, baggage services staff, porters, drivers, catering staff etc.
•Objectives and organisation of aviation security
•Role of International organisations regulating aviation security
•History of aviation acts of unlawful interference, terrorist acts and current threats
•Prohibited items
•Awareness of access control and relevant screening procedures
•Knowledge of Airport Security Permits
•Recognition of Weapons & improvised explosive devices
•Obligations and responsibilities of persons implementing security controls;
•Passenger and Baggage Security
•Cargo, Mail and Catering Security
•Knowledge of reporting procedures
•Ability to respond appropriately to security incidents.
•Response to Threats (Bomb Threats)
Certificate of Attendance