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Pilot Examiner Refresher Training

Pilot Examiner Refresher Training

Price : 1,500.00 AED + 5% VAT

Duration: 1 Days

Start date: 23/11/2023

End date: 23/11/2023

Category: Flight Operations

This courses is mandatory requirements qualifies according to the GCAA regulation CAR-FCL Subpart K and to continue exercising the privileges of TRE/FE. This will allow the successful participant to exercise the privileges as a Type Rating Examiners & Flight Examiner after meeting the previous experience and further qualifications according to the CAR-FCL

UAE flight instructors Multi-Crew ATPL holders and Flight Instructors who meet the requirements mentioned in the GCAA-CAR-FCL Subpart K for ATOs and Airlines  Complex, Non-complex (single pilot and multi crew aircraft

  • •The contents of AMC2 FCL.1015 and the FEM; Examiner’s Manual and Standardization; Examiner's Manual and Standardization;

    •CAR-FCL and related AMCs and GM relevant to their duties;

    •Operational requirements and related AMCs and GM relevant to their duties;

    •National requirements relevant to their examination duties;

    •Fundamentals of human performance and limitations relevant to flight examination;

    •Fundamentals of evaluation relevant to applicant’s performance;

    •Management system of ATOs;

    •(viii) MCC, human performance and limitations, if applicable.

Capt. Tahir Abdul Rashid

Capt. Tahir Abdul Rashid

GCAA - Specialist Aircrew Licensing

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Date and Time
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2023
08:00 AM - 02:00 PM


refresher pilot

Certificate of attendance

Description shall be shared by COC